Bilbao Crystallographic Server SYMMETRY OPERATION Help

Geometric Interpretation of Matrix-Column Representations of Symmetry Operations

Symmetry Operation
The program SYMMETRY OPERATIONS calculates the geometric interpretation of matrix-column representation of symmetry operation for a given crystal system or space group.

The input of the program consists of the space group number or the crystal system, and the matrix-column representation of the symmetry operation, which can be given by its coordinate triplets or in matrix form. The input data is further specified depending on the selected option:

  • Option Standard/Default Setting: the matrix-column representation has to be described with respect to the standard setting.
  • Option ITA-Settings: the use of this option is possible with a specified space-group number, only. In a second form the user has to select the initial ITA setting in which the matrix-column representation of the symmetry operation is introduced and the final ITA setting with respect to which the geometric interpretation of the symmetry operation is to be calculated.
  • Option User-defined Setting: the input matrix-column representation has to be described with respect to the standard setting and in a second form the transformation matrix to the new setting has to be specified.

As output, the program returns the geometric interpretation of the symmetry operation according to the International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A criteria and in Seitz notation.

Introduce the crystal system
Or enter the sequential number of group as given in the International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A

Introduce the matrix-column representation of the symmetry operation as:

  • Coordinate triplet
  • Or in matrix form

Rotational part

Translational part

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